Different Types of Abortion Procedures

Finding yourself in an unexpected pregnancy can produce a flurry of questions.  But remember, you do have options!  When considering those options, it is important to get accurate information so that you feel comfortable in your understanding of each of those options. These options include: abortion, adoption, and parenting. If you’re considering abortion, you should know that there are different  types of abortion.

Surgical Abortion

The most well-known form of abortion is surgical abortion, also known as suction curettage abortion. This procedure, performed in the first and second trimesters (between 5-23 weeks), involves a physician using suction to empty the uterus. This procedure is 98% successful, with 2% of patients requiring further care post-op. The procedure is usually performed over one or two appointments, and usually takes at least 3-4 hours, possibly longer.  

It should be noted that there are risks involved with a surgical abortion procedure. Cervical injury or uterine perforation caused by the instruments used during the procedure can occur. There is also a risk of infection. Patients should expect cramping and pain during and after the procedure as well as bleeding after the procedure for up to two weeks.

Chemical Abortion

Chemical (medical abortion/the abortion pill) abortions occur at home, using a combination of two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone first halts the production of progesterone and then misoprostol causes contractions of the uterus to expel the contents. This method is successful approximately 93-95% of the time.  In situations where the procedure is not successful, patients may require an additional procedure known as suction curettage abortion. Chemical abortion may require two appointments with a physician, although these can be performed via telehealth from home.

There are significant risks associated with chemical abortions. Most patients experience strong cramps and heavy bleeding. There is a possibility of an incomplete abortion and infection. Since this type of abortion takes place at home, there are no medical professionals present to provide oversight of care or intervention if needed.

  For More Information

When considering an abortion, it is critical to understand your options as well as the risks and failure rates associated with each option. At PSC, we understand the significance of this decision and we prioritize your health and safety. Our dedicated medical team is committed to providing comprehensive support and care to help you navigate this decision. We encourage you to book an appointment or call (410) 784-4747 to receive a FREE medical consultation, critical health information, and a limited obstetrical ultrasound.


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